File formats. Manuscripts in text form are to be submitted as doc or docx. Podcasts are to be submitted as x. Audiovisual contributions are to be submitted as x. Contributions in audio or video format must be technically designed in such a way that the content aspects are comprehensible in accordance with the journal's own standards (link).
Language. Contributions may be written in a Swiss national language or in English. Quotations in these languages should be left in the original, those in other languages should be translated (if necessary with the wording of the original language). Contributions written in dialect must be translated by subtitles into a national language of Switzerland.
Length and structure. A contribution in text form comprises a maximum of 25,000 characters (exclusive sources), is introduced with a paragraph on the context and the problem as well as an overview of the structure of the text and contains subtitles. A contribution in audio or audiovisual form will last a maximum of 30 minutes. The volume of the files submitted for this purpose shall not exceed x.
Text format. Layout, spelling and typography will be standardised for publication. In order to simplify this, please observe the following points:
Type texts in Times New Roman 12 font and footnotes in Times New Roman 10 font and do not use any special formatting;
Keep intertitles short, limit them to a maximum of two levels and set them off from the preceding text with a blank line;
Mark quotations with double inverted commas ("..."), quotations within quotations with single quotation marks ('...');
Indent quotations with five or more lines;
Mark omissions, additions and conversions in quotations with square brackets ([...]).
Highlighting in the text should be marked by italics. If possible, other design elements (e.g. bold print or underlining) should be avoided. Since the texts are laid out uniformly for publication, manual page changes, different fonts and font sizes, etc. should also be avoided.
Footnotes do not serve to refer to literature, but should only contain brief continuations or explanations and should be limited to the essentials in this task.
References and bibliographical references. In textual contributions, references are placed in brackets in the running text. The references are listed in alphabetical order of the authors at the end of the text. The standards of the American Psy-chological Association (7th edition) apply in the German version (link).
Gender-sensitive language. The generic masculine should always be avoided. Different alternatives are possible, e.g. "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers", "teachers" etc. Picture and sound material, graphics and tables. Authors must obtain the rights for publication before submitting their contribution. In the case of contributions in text form, reference should be made to visual material in the text in brackets (e.g.: "Figure 1") and this should be accompanied by a legend (e.g.: "Figure 1: Impression of the School Music Conference on 16/17 November 2018 in Lucerne").
Abstracts and keywords. All contributions receive an abstract or a trailer. These will be written by the authors. Abstracts in text form have a maximum length of 1,200 characters; trailers in audio or video format have a maximum length of one minute and are no larger than xMB. Abstracts and trailers will be translated into another national language and into English. Trailers in audio format can also be translated as texts. Trailers in video form are translated with subtitles. The editors can assist with the translation. In addition, 6 to 10 keywords must be specified, which will be published with the link to the article..
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
Relevance. Although "Kontrapunkte" is not an exclusively scientific journal, the contributions should refer to current discussions in the field of music didactics and be well-founded in the specialist literature. The significance for the music didactic discussion should be evident.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
Usefulness. Contributions to the Journal should serve the cause under discussion. Accordingly, personal asides that are not relevant to the main topic as well as content that promotes a person, a group of persons, an institution or a product are to be avoided.
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Obligation to use a clear name. A dignified discussion requires knowledge of the other party. We therefore ask you to enter your full name and, if available, your professional or private website in the comment window in addition to your (unpublished) e-mail address.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
Transparency. The contributors should make their own interests and their (theoretical, professional, biographical, etc.) background as transparent as possible. However, this should not be understood as privileging one's own position within the overall discussion, but rather as relativising the scope of validity of one's own statements.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
Ethical standards. Contributions should focus on the matter under discussion and should not be libellous, racist, sexist or otherwise defamatory.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.