Journal Standards
The editorial board attaches great importance to open, substantive and transparent discussion, which is why the following standards and quality criteria apply to the journal:
Relevance. Although "Kontrapunkte" is not an exclusively scientific journal, the contributions should relate to current discussions in the field of music didactics and be well-founded in the specialist literature. The significance for the music didactic discussion should be evident.
Usefulness. The contributions to the journal should serve the cause under discussion. Accordingly, personal side comments that are not relevant to the main topic as well as content that promotes a person, a group of persons, an institution or a product are to be avoided.
Obligation to use a clear name. A dignified discussion requires knowledge of the other person. We therefore ask you to enter your full name and, if available, your professional or private website in the comment window in addition to your (unpublished) e-mail address.
Transparency. Contributors should make their own interests and background (theoretical, professional, biographical, etc.) as transparent as possible. However, this should not be understood as privileging one's own position within the overall discussion, but rather as relativising the validity of one's own statements.
Ethical standards. Contributions should focus on the matter under discussion and should not be libellous, racist, sexist or otherwise defamatory.