An editorial unit consists of the three forms of contribution "initial contribution", "commentary" and "review", which are related to each other.

Initial contribution
Initial contributions are written in one of Switzerland's national languages and/or in English. The abstract/trailer of the initial contribution will be translated into a second national language and into English. Prior to publication, each initial contribution will be checked by the editor and a member of the editorial board for compliance with the ethical and journal standards (link). In case of discrepancies, the author will be asked to revise the article. The assessment of the content of an initial contribution is the responsibility of the commenting colleagues. A short biography of the author (maximum 600 characters) is published with the initial contribution. Initial contributions must not have been published elsewhere before.

A serious professional discussion is very important to us. Therefore, we welcome all reactions to the initial contributions and related comments and encourage all actors, regardless of their position in the field of music didactics, to comment on contributions. The authors of the initial contributions are free at any time to write a comment in the sense of a reply. Comments can be written in one of Switzerland's national languages or in English. The comments are an integral part of the text corpus, which is why they must also comply with the journal's own standards (link). The scope of the comments should reflect a serious engagement with the initial contribution or another commentary.

All comments will be edited and published within 1-2 working days. Clear linguistic errors in comments in text form will be corrected without further consultation. In case of doubt, the editors will contact you by e-mail, which may delay the release of the comment. In the event of breaches of ethical standards, false statements of fact or personal attacks on other authors in comments, the editors will also contact you in order to rule out misunderstandings and errors.

Approximately six months after the publication of the initial article, the editor reviews it together with all comments. This review is not a further substantive contribution in the sense that it makes the discussion itself the subject of discussion. This includes a description of the positions that are (not) represented in the discussion, an appraisal of the course of the discussion, the naming of claims to validity that have been raised, etc. The review is written in a Swiss language. It is written in a Swiss national language and/or in English and summarised in at least one other Swiss national language as well as in English. The scope of the review should show that the discussion has been seriously addressed.

After publication, the review, together with the initial contribution and all comments, forms an archived and openly accessible text unit, and the discussion thread is closed. Before publication, the review is checked by at least two members of the editorial board for compliance with the quality criteria formulated in the journal's own standards (link). In case of discrepancy, the editor will be asked to revise.